Colts Current Fixtures
Check back here soon for info on the current fixtures
Marlow’s Colts’ section is run in partnership with ‘Future
Legends’, a professionally run cricket coaching business.
emphasis is on fun and development for boys and/or girls aged 4 to 7
through the ECB (England & Wales Cricket Board) backed “All
Stars” programme which currently involves 8 consecutive Saturday
morning sessions from 09.30 – 10.15 commencing 13th
May 2023. This is promoted nationally via radio and press so look and
listen. For further information please contact:
- Future Legends’ Nigel Bruce –
go direct to the “All Stars” website via the following link
/ All Stars / Search Results
medium - long term ambition is to operate with a bigger Colts
section for the 8 – 16 age group, to ensure that Little Marlow
Cricket Club can provide a constant flow of young cricketers to
support its senior section which has a history dating back to 1857

Little Marlow Juniors’ Section was established in early 2008, after the club recruited Head Coach Ingram Jones of Baylor International Champions. Whilst he fronted an enthusiastic recruitment campaign, others handled the considerable administrative requirements.
During that first season the club fielded a single under 15 team. Inexperienced and of mixed ages, it inevitably struggled at first. However, a strong resolve and plenty of practice paid dividends and was rewarded with a much celebrated maiden victory. A number of that initial intake have gone on to become regulars at senior level, and one of them has represented Buckinghamshire in junior county cricket.

Read our Youth Charter here: